Steven Heuser
"Fall Flying Ant"
from Ross A. Mueller's book titled "Flies that catch trout and how to fish them.
Upper Midwest Year Round Guide"Hook: Standard dry fly hook like TMC 100
Thread: Brown 8/0
Abdomen: Yellow SLF, mixed with yellow Australian opossum
Thorax: Brown Australian opossum
Underwing: Twinkle organza
Overwing: Elk hair
Hackle: brown, clipped top and bottom
Tying notes: Tie a prominent yellow abdomen and a small brown thorax. Tie in under wing
then hackle and add a bit more to thorax, wind hackle over thorax, trim and tie in sparse
hair wing.
I did not have any Australian opossum so I substituted in some Super Fine. The Twinkle
organza is something that you can pick up at a fabric store like Hancock fabrics. It cost
only a few dollars for a yard and a yard will last you a long time. I'll try and put a
peace of it with each fly. Twinkle organza also makes great wings for Trico spinners.
Fishing notes: When I first saw this pattern in Ross' book I did not give it much
thought, but I tied one up any way and stuck it in my fly box. I all most for got about it
until later that summer when I was out fishing hoppers on the Tomorrow river. The fish
were paying little attention to my hopper and there were steady rises on the river. So I
put my C&R net in the film of the water so see what they were eating. I found that
they were keyed in on this same Fall flying ant I had stuck in box many months ago. I
quickly tied this fly on and started catching fish. This is a fly that you should have one
or two of in your fly box. Thus it's a great fly for a swap.