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Here are the swaps that have been filled or reached their deadline on this site click on a link below to view the swap page.

It is quite possible that not all the information for a particular fly has been scanned and added at the time you view these pages.If so check back when you can. If you need information on a perticular pattern and it has not been added yet send me an e-mail and I will see if I can help you out.

I will add new swaps as they are completed.

Big Fly Swap Ant Swap Nymph Swap
Saltwater Baitfish Swap


Simple But Fishy Swap
Glenn Nadau's Micro Swap


Furry Foam Swap Saltwater Crustacean Swap
Bass Bug Swap
Dragonfly Nymph Swap


Dry Fly Swap  

Big Fly Swap

Ant Swap

Nymph Swap

Saltwater Baitfish Swap

Simple But Fishy Swap

Glenn Nadau's Micro Swap




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